“Gone, but not forgotten.” These are words we often hear after we’ve lost a loved one. We may have even said them ourselves. Grief, they say, is the price we all pay for love. And, when we lose someone close to us, we want to honour and remember them in the best way possible – for as long as possible.
Our loved ones touch our lives deeply, and their absence is something we feel profoundly. So we seek out ways to remember them, to hold the space that they once occupied in the world and to comfort the space that they have left inside us after they passed on.
HospiceWits created the virtual Tree of Light for those who wish to remember their loved ones. The globes on the tree serve as a reminder of that person, and can be accompanied by a personal dedication. For a minimum donation of R100, you can customise your virtual remembrance globe, which will be added to the virtual tree. You can always view your globe and share your messages with family and friends on social media.
HospiceWits has hosted the Tree of Light Event at a suitable venue for a number of decades for families to get together and celebrate life with one another – our loyal supporters. The virtual Tree of Light grew out of necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic when visitors were unable to visit the physical Tree of Light to witness the switching on of the sponsored globes. From 2022, the annual Tree of Light event found a new home at Sacred Heart College in Observatory, with an exciting new programme.
While the Tree of Light Event is held annually, one can remember one’s loved ones all year round with the virtual HospiceWits Tree of Light.
There are a variety of globe options for the virtual Tree of Light, ranging from an individual globe to a string of lights. The choice, ultimately, is yours. The funds raised from this initiative ensure that HospiceWits continues to provide care and support to the thousands of patients and families who have been impacted by life-threatening illness every year.
If you would like to purchase a remembrance globe in memory of a loved one, or you’d simply like to celebrate the life of someone special, please visit Tree Of Light – HospiceWits (www.tree-of-light.co.za), select a suitable globe, and write your special dedication.
Keep the light of loved ones who have passed on shining brightly in your heart and life-long memories.